Mise en scene is used from the opening of he conventional music video; the "popular girls" are seen dressed in bright pink clothing which gives the impression that they are self concious and are representative of teenage girls at a younger age. The way the girls look at the younger Jessie J also emphasises that they are typical bullies; looking down their noses at people who don't follow trends and stand out - giving the impression that they are posh and spoilt. The younger Jessie J appears to be "rebelling"

against social norms and trends by dressing in her own way and having a uique hairstyle. The black baseball jacket could give the impression to the posh girls that she is an "emo"; causig her to become an outkast. The location used in the video is of a girl's school; aimed at a conventional target audience of tenagers/ students/ parents as the pop video gives an anti bullying message relatig to people of the target audience that may have/ be experiencing bullying and give them the courage to speak out.

Various stlyes of camerawork are used throughout the video. An establishing/ pan shot is used to open the video depicting the location; a church/ school - this sets the scene of the video early and is relative to a childhood target audience. There is also use of over the shoulder shots showing what Jessie J sees; emphasising that she is the main character.A sweep zoom with shallow focus is also used to show the protagonist Jessie J as a child rising from her desk which is accompanied with a close up shot to show the emotions on the main character's face - foreshadowing her rebellion against the popular bullies; possibly giving children who are being bullied the confidence to sand up against bullies after watching the video. Zoom in's are regularly used to show the child Jessie J talking; building up her confidence to fight her bullies. To the right is use of a reverse zoom through he medium of a steadicam to show Jessie as a cild's insignificance to the backdrop of Hollywood and how she has grown to be famous.

sounds are used to open the music video; birds singing connotes a peaceful, normal location. Later on Jessie J begins singing: this is an example of diegeic music. Lyrically the song has been praised as an anti bullying anthem "hey Jessica you look like an alien, with gree skin you don't fit in this playpen" and "you've got teeth just like bugs bunny" - most children have experienced similar playground abuse; making the videp's message relate to the target audience of teenagers and giving them confidence tofigh their bullies.

editing techniques are used throuhout the "Who's Laughing Now" pop video. A slow moion shot is used to show Jessie J as a child leaving her school; allowing her to be free of bullies, social norms and follow her own syle and be who she wants to be as an adult - giving confidence to the youth target audience. Trasitions are also used througou the video to show a conrast between a shy, reserved, unhappy Jessie J as a child which is later replaced by a confident, unique, individual celebrity. The technique of tracking is used to follow the child Jessie J as she progresses and grows in confidence; emphasising that she as the protagonist as taken an emotional and physical journey throughout the pop video.
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