Saturday, 31 March 2012

Reconsideration of Audio Visual Main Task: Music Video

Once we began filming, we realised that what we wanted to film of a party in a school was too ambitious in the time scale we had to complete the video. This led us to discuss the issue as a group to decide what we could do to still produce a high quality video but to also complete the filming of it by the deadline.

We decided on the new concept of:

  • Using band scenes for the chorus', which we had already filmed at this point and felt they should be a strong aspect of the video.
  • The plot would focus on Ben and Aimee being the couple that want to be together, which relates to the lyrics, such as; "her name is noel, i have a dream about her"
  • Therefore, we will use clips mainly of Ben and Aimee, (both together and alone) where they are acting naturally to show a visable connection between them to the teenage target audience.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Ancillary Task: Album Cover Feedback

"I like the high quality image; it looks sharp and professional"

"The band name stands out from the cover as it is in a large, eye-catching font and is a different colour to the image"

"The costumes the band are wearing a typical of teenage clothing; skinny jeans, hoodie, sunglasses and t shirts".

"The layout is conventional of covers for albums"

"This is my faviroute of the album covers"


"The image looks too squished in and the band seem to look out of proportion"

"The image used stands out well from the brick wall background and appears almost 3D like"

"The clothing the band are wearing is conventional of indie bands; leather jackets and sunglasses and the lead singer smoking"

"The choice of font for the band name could be larger and in capitals rather than lower case to split the album cover up"

"The band name stands out from the cover as it is in a large, eye-catching font and is appears well in contrast to the colour of the sky"

"The image used could have showed the band closer to the camera through a mid-close up rather than a long shot as they seem distant from the cover"

"The costumes the band are wearing a typical of teenage clothing; skinny jeans, denim shirt, sunglasses, headbans and t shirts"

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Audience Feedback: Music Magazine Album Advertisement 2

I placed my ancillary task which was to produce an album advertisement for a music magazine on the popular social networking site: in the Media Coursework Photo's section of my profile and asked people that meet the requirement's of my target age group of teenagers to comment under the product on what they like, dislike and what could be improved about the album advertisement. I decided to create two album advertisements in order to allow my target audience to compare both and allow me to find out which they prefer and which is most conventional. This is the second  of the album advertisements that i have produced. This is a link to where the photo and the recieved comments can be found on my facebook profile:!/photo.php?fbid=10150736297909923&set=a.10150697087854923.458544.726604922&type=1&theater

Audience Feedback: Music Magazine Album Advertisement 1

I placed my ancillary task which was to produce an album advertisement for a music magazine on the popular social networking site: in the Media Coursework Photo's section of my profile and asked people that meet the requirement's of my target age group of teenagers to comment under the product on what they like, dislike and what could be improved about the album advertisement. I decided to create two album advertisements in order to allow my target audience to compare both and allow me to find out which they prefer and which is most conventional. This is the first of the album advertisements that i have produced.This is a link to where the photo and the recived comments can be found on my facebook profile:!/photo.php?fbid=10150736293859923&set=a.10150697087854923.458544.726604922&type=1&theater

Summary of Audience Feedback for Album Advertisement

From placing both of my album avertisements on my facebook page and asking people to comment on them i have decided to use the first one based on the positive comments that i recieved; some of the comments that helped me make this decision were:

"The simple design and clear layout is a winner"
"The links are in proportion to the rest of the advert"
"The quotes work well in selling the album"
"The image fits in with the genre of music"
"The reviews and websites make it look professional"

Therefore i believe that this advert is most conventional and is the most appealing to the target audience out of the two due to it's conventional, clear layout and popular features of album adverts.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Ancillary Task: DRAFT Advertisement's for The Racoons Album

In order to gain feedback on my two ancillary task magazine advertisemnt posters, I posted both posters on my facebook page;!/photo.php?fbid=10150736293859923&set=a.10150697087854923.458544.726604922&type=1&theate
and then posted asking people that meet the age of my target dempographic to comment. This would enable me to find out what people of my target audience think about the posters and lead me to further develop and improve the poster.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Analysis of a similar product using Audience Theory: Example - 'Watch The Sun Come Up'

Adorno's hyperdermic needle model suggests that the media injects a message into the passive audience.The message that is injected by this music video is that the singer; Example is lusting after a beautiful, idealised and picturesque girl. This is evidenced by the first shot being of the woman sleeping next to Example where he appears to be in love with her after gazing lovingly into her eyes. The camera focuses on the woman in the opening shot and shows her with long, blonde hair and the sun shining beind; this injects the message that she is the object of visual pleasure and is seen with bright, warm sunshine which influences the audience as a mass to engage with the video and accept the intended message. Blumler & Katz' Uses and Gratification Model can also be applied to this music video which suggests that the media satisfies different audience needs in four ways. The first way is Diversion; this is evidenced in the music video through the use of a tropical, picturesque holiday landscape of a beach which is seen throughout the video which provides the audience with an entertaining break from everyday life. The second need is known as Personal Relationships, which is where the audience watching this music video are intended to empathise with the singer, Example who wants to be with his female companion which forms a sort of social interaction. The third need is Personal Identity which is where the audience's identity are shaped by the media texts they consume and their responses to them. This would be shown in the music video as the audience who watch the music video would have a music taste of conventional mainstream, chart friendly, pop music and their response would be positive creating their own identity through the type of music they listen to. The final audience need that is satisfied is known as surviellance which is where the specific media of the music video provides the audience with information about the world setting around us which is evidenced in the music video which portrays a man and a woman falling in love with each other which is seen around the world.