Thursday 29 March 2012

Audience Feedback: Music Magazine Album Advertisement 2

I placed my ancillary task which was to produce an album advertisement for a music magazine on the popular social networking site: in the Media Coursework Photo's section of my profile and asked people that meet the requirement's of my target age group of teenagers to comment under the product on what they like, dislike and what could be improved about the album advertisement. I decided to create two album advertisements in order to allow my target audience to compare both and allow me to find out which they prefer and which is most conventional. This is the second  of the album advertisements that i have produced. This is a link to where the photo and the recieved comments can be found on my facebook profile:!/photo.php?fbid=10150736297909923&set=a.10150697087854923.458544.726604922&type=1&theater

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