Saturday, 31 March 2012

Reconsideration of Audio Visual Main Task: Music Video

Once we began filming, we realised that what we wanted to film of a party in a school was too ambitious in the time scale we had to complete the video. This led us to discuss the issue as a group to decide what we could do to still produce a high quality video but to also complete the filming of it by the deadline.

We decided on the new concept of:

  • Using band scenes for the chorus', which we had already filmed at this point and felt they should be a strong aspect of the video.
  • The plot would focus on Ben and Aimee being the couple that want to be together, which relates to the lyrics, such as; "her name is noel, i have a dream about her"
  • Therefore, we will use clips mainly of Ben and Aimee, (both together and alone) where they are acting naturally to show a visable connection between them to the teenage target audience.

1 comment:

  1. at least re-word it if youre going to copy it from my blog.
