I conducted focus group research on teenagers of my target audience. In terms of music video's, i found that a teenage related costume and bright colours help to make the music video more eye-catching and appealing. Members of the focus group seemed to prefer the technique of fast paced editing as apposed to slow paced; this is arguably because it relates to a teenagers fast paced lifestyle, we therefore ensured to make most of our video fast paced to add further appeal to the target audience. Findings from the focus group also highlighted that a variety of different locations are needed to keep the music video interesting; although the settings used need to relate to the teenage target audience and the narrative of the video. Special effects also seem to be favoured, such as; animation, text overlay and references to social networking sites which gives a fun, teenage related appeal to the music video. Finally teen related props seem to have a good influence on the success of the music video, such as; mobile phone's, speaker's and iPod's; all of these items are in coherence with 21st century teenage culture. Also, the findings showed a different variety of locations are needed to keep the music video interesting; although the settings used need to relate to the teenage target audience and the narrative of the video. Special effects also seem to be favoured, such as; animation, text overlay and references to social networking sites which gives a fun, teenage related appeal to the music video. Finally teen related props seem to have a good influence on the success of the music video, such as; mobile phone's, speaker's and iPod's; all of these items are in coherence with 21st century teenage culture.
In terms of album cover's i found that the type of camerawork preferred by members of my teenage focus group was a close up shot showing the artist's face so the consumer can identify with the artist. Also, a successful album cover appears to need a bold, eye-catching title to stand out from the product. The font style also needs to be appealing to the target audience of teenagers depending on the album genre.
In terms of album advert's i found that members of my focus group like a mid shot image of the band featured in the center of the advert or an image of the album cover itself; i took this into consideration when producing my ancillary product using an image of the band in the advert. Also, a successful album advert needs to include a one liner crtical review from another established newspaper or magazine that would feature the advert. The feature of weblinks, to the band's site is also a major convention of album adverts as it allows the reader to find out more about the band after seeing the advert in the magazine. Also, a typical feature is a release date as this tells the reader when they can purchase the album or download it online; i have incorporated all of these preferences when producing my own album advert.
The focus group research has allowed to personally find out what members of my teenage target audience expect and prefer in each of my products and has enhanced the success and appeal of my promotional package as a whole.