The title of the album ‘Playing In The Shadows’ is clearly represented in the image on the album cover as half of the artists face is shadowed with a white background and the other half is bright on a black background. This could be suggested to represent the artist trying to convey two seperate personalities or how since he has become well known in the music industry he has come from out of the shadows of being unknown to being recognisable artist. The artists; name 'example' is printed under the image of the artist's face and follows a sort of brand logo that features on all of examples albums. Through using the same text style and font colour, 'example' creates a sort of continuity that enables the teenage target audience to identify with his music as it is easily located. The layout of the album cover is highly conventional as the image is placed directly in the center and the artist's name and the album name are placed underneath. The artist,, 'example's target audience is the teenage demographic as he sings about falling in love, partying and his music video's feature live concerts. These are emotions and activities that the teenge listener would be able to relate to as they are notable, common conventions of the teenage lifestyle. In terms of camerawork, the image is a mid close-up focusing on the artist's face which allows the teenage audience to identify with what the artist looks like if they were to see them on a television programme or in a music magazie. In the bottom right corner of the album cover their is a "parental advisory" logo which details that the album may contain sexual references or offendable language; this warning features on all albums that contain innapropriate language, although these are still targeted to the teenage demographic.
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ReplyDeleteTargets to improve further:
o Script and storyboard needed.
o Complete a detailed summary of your audience research.
o Try to include more specific examples in your analysis of similar products to allow you to produce more detailed explanation of the effect of technical elements.
o Complete a set of drafts for the ancillary tasks using the fonts and colours you plan to use.